Rainbowdance (12m-3yr)
For Infants and Toddlers, the goal is attachment. The repetitive and integrated nature of Rainbowdance enables infants and toddlers to experience safety and dependability through mirroring, song, and natural body movements. As infants and toddlers internalize this work, supported by their caregivers, they develop increased skills in communication, self-regulation, and self-esteem.
Rainbowdance gathers children and adults for one hour. Providing a symbolic journey into the world of nature and relationship, Rainbowdance encourages the growth of empowered and self-nurturing children. Results from retrospective studies of children and adolescents show that the onset of disruptive behaviors occurs during preschool, and that these behaviors remain stable into adulthood unless addressed during early years. Creating healthy developmental tools at this age helps mitigate the potential for future behavioral problems ranging from violence to depression.